Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A bit about life

Hi everyone, first let me tell all of you how much I appreciate all your emails and I PROMISE new bead sets are going up tomorrow. Some of you know, and some don't, but a few weeks back my brother went into liver failure - a non drinker, non drugger (is that a word?) but he became ill and then was given the news that his liver was failing. So, he is now in the process of traveling back and forth to Mt. Sinai in NY - and getting things in order to receive a liver transplant.

I am hoping that my tests will make me eligilble to be a living donor...but there is a ton of paperwork to process before then! So please forgive me for getting a bit behind in Studio things.

I have been steadily filling custom orders and with a few exceptions - they are all on track - some are delayed due to waiting for some "fun" glass :) - sorry Pam! The glass folk I use supply great glass, but gee it's hard to get them to answer an email!!!

OK so now that I have unloaded all my life's problems on everyone, and I am off to string some beads!

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