I took some time this am to do a bit of web surfing - just a mind relax thing before getting down to torch business. I stumbled on this thing called visual DNA and did mine - kind of interesting :)
I think it kind of describes me, it is sort of limiting as it didn't let me pick fishing as one of my loves!!! But it did let me pick, that sort of gross buff guy as a dislike. Nothing like seeing one of those steriod addicts walking around, especially in light of the last few days when that wrestler murdered his wife and son and then himself. Such a sad thing.
It looks like I will be working on the 4th - orders got behind due to a bad batch shipment of glass from one of my suppliers - I just will not use defective glass - well not defective, just plain scumy - scumy glass has all those streaks and really ruins the look of a bead. So I had to find glass asap and get custom orders out asap. Needless to say this is a bit of a set back. But I did learn one lesson, don't ever let your clear glass stash get low!!
Well it is already 7:20 am and I haven't gotten out of my PJ's - the torch is calling so I better get my fanny in gear. Hope all of you enjoy your 4th. My poor doggies hate it, but this year I was smart and had the vet give me some meds. Maybe, with a little help from doggie sedatives, we can all relax a bit while the fireworks blast away.
I have a neighbor that does a huge display, which normally I would love, but it scares my pets so badly that all the fun is gone. Hopefully this year I can enjoy the free display without having shivering doggies at my side.
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