Saturday, July 28, 2007

Where oh Where???

My goodness, where oh where has the day gone? Time just seems to be slipping by and I can't seem to get out from under all the things that need to be done in the Studio!!! On a good note I have finished some nice beads and they are annealing nicely - hopefully they will be ready for photos tomorrow in the pm - they all will need a good "bath" and dressing up first :). In the meantime I will finish the laundry -- yes, the laundry at 11:30 pm!!! only one load - big difference from when my son and his family lived here - at least two loads a day - lol - now only two loads a week!!! My mom and I just don't have that many things to wash :). Still I miss the chaos and laughs we had - oh well they all have to leave the nest sometime. Well, off to fold and fluff and then to bed!!!
Have a wonderful evening everyone "see" you tomorrow!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

It Works!! Terra Glass Is Beautiful

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Ok - I have to admit I am a boro glass lover - it's expensive, durable and beautiful with it's gem stone qualities. So it is very hard for me to explore new "soft" glass, but I just couldn't resist the glass from Double Helix Glassworks.

The glass called Terra has been a bit of a trend for some time now, and I don't like trends in the glass world, but I just had to try this glass!! At $100.00 a pound - yes I said $100 a pound it was a stretch even for me a dedicated boro artist that is used to paying about $45.00 a pound for glass. But I have to tell you this glass is worth every single penny!! The results are magnificent and the customer service is fast and friendly - Julie even included a lovely note, and considering that the glass business can get really hectic and busy, that was a special treat for me. do the beads look??? I LOVE them - that is how they look -above you can see my very first beads using Tera Glass from Double Helix Glassworks - this glass is worth every penny and more!


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Thursday, July 19, 2007



NOTICE - some of you complained that you couldn't make any comments on my blog unless you joined Google - I think I may have finally fixed that so anyone can make a comment or two. Just remember always be kind - lol.

So in my last blog post I went on a bit about a column I wrote with no response - well, fault the magazine did email me, and I apparently missed it - so all that whining by me was all for naught! Thank goodenss I didn't announce that I wasn't going to be doing it. Just goes to show you that you should never jump the gun and assume until you KNOW. Or at least that is what I learned this week - lol.

I am hoping to get some time in the Studio to create next week - it looks like the rest of the this week and weekend will be used to finish custom orders. I have to admit that I really love making beads for people that I "know" via the net... It is kind of cool to make a bead, pendant or bead set that brings another artist's ideas to life.

I hope all of you that belong to GG Studio received my email in regard to the recent Bead and Button show. Apparently a few of you saw my pendants there and were concerned that some other glass person had "ripped me off" and made Touch Stone Pendants for a designer. The truth is that they were my pendants made especially for a wonderful teacher at the show. But it was so nice to know that some of you would take the time to "protect" my ideas. I am so grateful for such a dedicated GG Designer family. I have known so many of you for years now, and we have all grown together.

I can hardly believe that I have been working with glass for over 14 years now - time has just flown by. I can still remember the first time I sat myself down at the torch, both thrilled and terrified. So many of you have grown with me, even mentored me. I am forever grateful for all of you.

Well, it is a bit late - 9:30 am here in NY and I have to get to the torch and run to the post office to mail more beads :).


Friday, July 13, 2007

Added New Sets and will be making more Conch Shell Pendants by Monday


My goodness - I can't believe how fast time seems to fly as you get older. I was amazed that I had let almost a week go by before posting again. I have added a few new designs to the site and some really fun lampwork disk beads for those of you who love to wirewrap. I really had a ton of fun making these and then putting them together. The finished design is actually prettier then the pictures. I guess because the picture is flat and these are so 3D.

I finished my design column for the Troy Record this week and last week took at least 4 hours to put together a column for an online magazine. It now appears that the online mag is a bust - didn't hear a thing back from them and I am a bit miffed at the lack of consideration a business can have. I guess what really upsets me is that I made an announcement to the local readers of my column and now I have to do a correction. No matter - I have always found that some things just work out for the best, if even at first you don't see the reasons behind a situation they usualy make sense down the road!

On a much better note I submitted a design idea to a major bead mag - can't tell you who yet- and they answered. Of course I won't know for a bit of time yet - but it was encouraging to have a response. From what I can tell they start taking projects 4 or 5 months in advance of publication so it may be quite some time!!

So I am now off to make more beads - I have some ideas for some really neat organics - we shall see what the flame brings today. See you all soon.


Saturday, July 7, 2007


I took some time off on July 5th to celebrate the first birthday of my grand-daughter. I loved every second. She is a blessing.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July - please take some time to pray for all of our troops

and their families!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

4th of July! Almost


I took some time this am to do a bit of web surfing - just a mind relax thing before getting down to torch business. I stumbled on this thing called visual DNA and did mine - kind of interesting :)

I think it kind of describes me, it is sort of limiting as it didn't let me pick fishing as one of my loves!!! But it did let me pick, that sort of gross buff guy as a dislike. Nothing like seeing one of those steriod addicts walking around, especially in light of the last few days when that wrestler murdered his wife and son and then himself. Such a sad thing.

It looks like I will be working on the 4th - orders got behind due to a bad batch shipment of glass from one of my suppliers - I just will not use defective glass - well not defective, just plain scumy - scumy glass has all those streaks and really ruins the look of a bead. So I had to find glass asap and get custom orders out asap. Needless to say this is a bit of a set back. But I did learn one lesson, don't ever let your clear glass stash get low!!

Well it is already 7:20 am and I haven't gotten out of my PJ's - the torch is calling so I better get my fanny in gear. Hope all of you enjoy your 4th. My poor doggies hate it, but this year I was smart and had the vet give me some meds. Maybe, with a little help from doggie sedatives, we can all relax a bit while the fireworks blast away.

I have a neighbor that does a huge display, which normally I would love, but it scares my pets so badly that all the fun is gone. Hopefully this year I can enjoy the free display without having shivering doggies at my side.


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